On 13–14 July in Cambridge, England, I am co-curating a summit for Civic Future on the theme of Progress, entitled The Great Stagnation Summit. We will examine the current state of thinking around progress, industrial strategy, innovation and R&D and how to devise and deliver policies for long-term growth, radical improvements in living standards, and continued human flourishing.

Our keynote speaker is Mercatus Center at George Mason University Professor of Economics Tyler Cowen, from whose 2011 book – The Great Stagnation – the event takes its inspiration and name.
Other speakers include Advanced Research + Invention Agency (ARIA) chair and Entrepreneur First co-founder Matt Clifford; The RSA (The royal society for arts, manufactures and commerce) Chief Executive and former Bank of England Chief Economist Andy Haldane; former Minister of Science and Innovation Lord Sainsbury; University of Illinois at Chicago – Graduate College Distinguished Professor Emerita Deirdre McCloskey; Executive Chair of the ESRC: Economic and Social Research Council Stian Westlake; co-director of the University of Cambridge’s Bennett Institute for Public Policy, Professor Diane Coyle; US media commentator and Start-up Nation author Dan Senor; and Marc Warner, CEO at data-led decision-making scale-up Faculty AI.
The Summit is structured around the themes:
- What is progress and why should we care about it?
- Progress and the British economy
- Barriers to progress
- How to be good stewards of progress
- Harnessing technologies for a prosperous future
I am of course keen for colleagues who are interested or involved in public life and the theme of progress to participate in the summit. If you would be able to, please get in touch. As there are limited places, please also consider applying to attend with a reference to a published article or essay that is relevant to the theme.
For more, see my initial post on the Summit.
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