Nico Macdonald | Spy   Communication, facilitation, research and consultancy around design and technology

Humans are...
11 June 2008 (Business Design Centre, London)
Presentation given at the Made in Brunel Pecha Kucha on the theme ‘People & Inspiration’

Current location
(via Plazes)


Participants in the Made in Brunel Pecha Kucha are: David Kester, Chief Executive, The Design Council; Flo Heiss, Founder Dare Digital; Marcus Abbott, BY62x leader, Bentley Motors; Oliver King, co-founder and director, Engine Service Design; Lynda Relph-Knight, editor, Design Week magazine; Warren Hutchinson, Experience Director, LBi; Professor Tony Anson, Brunel University and Anson Medical Ltd; Chenay Nicole Williams, MA Design Strategy student; and Alastair Curtis, Global Head of Design, Nokia.

This is essentially a plea for political humanism and to re-appraise the wonder that is the human race.

My talk

In the noughties, we are increasingly negative about humanity. We see humans as a problem, to be fixed or re-engineered. But we should re-appraise our fellow humans. Humans are...


They look into things. Are intrigued. They seek to understand. [Image of child investigating by platinumblondelife5]


And they are able to understand amazing things. And to explain and discover new things. [Image of Bill Thompson, Cory Doctorow, Tom Coates and Matt Webb by matlocktest]


They use their skills to do new, surprising and pleasing things with what we have around us. Do more with less. Challenge the limits of the material world [para]. [Image of Creative Archive BAFTA award by dotben]


They think through complex problems and describe complex solutions. [Image of logic diagram by psd]


They work around challenges in surprising ways – a designerly attribute [Image of Edward De Bono by 350d]


They perceive beyond the obvious, see the depth of challenges, and are wise in giving advice [Image of Matt Jones and Matt Wattenberg]


They test and experiment [Image of scientists by quiplash]


And they turn ideas into things that improve the quality of people’s lives [Image of woman worker by library_of_congress]


They care for each other, often for reasons they can’t explain [Image of family scene]


They do things for others, and for humanity – and make sacrifices, even where there is no clear benefit (for instance around sustainability and climate change) [Image of Alexander Wood by emmaandlorenzo]


They are able to put themselves in others’ shoes and understand their experiences – a designerly attribute [Image of Hannah Redler by matlocktest]


They take others at face value and give the benefit of the doubt, believing that if they trust others they will rise to the challenge [Image of young girl by lenny_meriel]


They are enthusiastic, driven, committed. Keen to communicate and persuade... [Image of Claire Fox]


... And they engage, get deep into things, immerse themselves, and explore [Richard and Ryan by beija-flor]


They aspire to be better than they are, and imagine this for others [Anne Frank]


They are able to work out how to put things into action... [Keith Teare by mbites]


And lead people [Gordon Brown]


And inspire them to be better at all these things [James Woudhuysen]


But also our human-ness can lead to misanthropy, which is an expression of some of these these characteristics. But who could be anything but inspired by our fellow humans.

[Images in this talk were largely sources from Flickr and are linked accordingly.]


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© Nico Macdonald | Spy 2008