Launch of LSBU / LCC ‘ACE IT’ Immersive Technology programme

At London South Bank University we are working with the London College of Communication (part of the University of the Arts) on an EU-funded (ERDF) innovation support programme for immersive tech entrepreneurs, offering free access to academic and industry expertise, and specialist audio-visual, digital and creative technology facilities and specialist studios.  The programme The programme, ACE IT (Accelerating the …

Article: dmi:Review ‘Design, Didacticism, and the Dignity of People’, 2019

In this article I argue that there is an orthodoxy in the design profession, which is a product of ‘not knowing what you don’t know’, a tendency to create filter bubbles, and ‘bad faith’ humanism. The design industries embrace diversity in everything except politics; users are at the centre except when their views don’t fit. …

Review: The origins of ‘just in time’ production

The BBC Radio 4 Money Programme edition Total Recall: The Toyota Story recounts Toyota's major vehicle recall in the context of the company's history. Though it takes far too long to do it, and is accompanied by annoying music, it gets interesting about 20m in when it describes Toyota's 'just in time' production model (inspired …

Review: Nesta: Pulling the plug: what should a human-centric European Internet look like?, 2018

On Wednesday early evening in London Nesta is hosting the first of a series of provocations on ‘how European citizens can retake control over the future of the internet’. Pulling the plug: what should a human-centric European Internet look like? Is part of the Next Generation Internet initiative, the European Commission’s programme focused on building …