Guide to reviewing non-fiction books

For my Introduction to Global Entrepreneurship course at Accent Global Learning I have set my students an assignment to review a book on our long reading list. I would value colleagues’ thoughts on my rationale for a book review and description of approaches to this activity.  This is not an easy exercise, though it is easier than …

Is “technology moving faster than ever now”?

This lunchtime I attended this event with author and journalist Nicole Kobie (@njkobie) on Will we ever get flying cars? Rethinking the future, hosted by Nesta as part of its Future Signals event series, chaired by William Woodward. Kobie is author of The Long History of the Future: Why tomorrow’s technology still isn’t here (Bloomsbury …

Co-curating an event on Progress: The Great Stagnation summit

This July I am co-curating a summit on the theme of Progress, entitled The Great Stagnation summit, which will be a two-day gathering in Cambridge (England) to examine the current state of thinking around progress, industrial strategy, innovation and R&D and how to devise and deliver policies for long-term growth, radical improvements in living standards, …

Documenting audio-visual content

Precis: In this week’s A Point of View, BBC Radio 4, David Goodhart argues that the focus on manners in British politics may be a function of the main parties’ programmes being hard to differentiate. He believes this is a result of the impact of the Leave vote, which forced both parties to re-orientate towards …