RIP Jonathan Miller

RIP Jonathan Miller. What a thinker and doer. I very much appreciated his reflection on the modern anti-religious mood, from 2010 (re-posted below). He’s quoted on BBC Radio 4’s World at One today rejecting the term ‘Renaissance Man’, saying ‘What’s been lost is the taking for granted a world of civilised curiosity’. This quote comes …

Report: General Election Hustings: Science, Research, Technology and Innovation, 19/11/2019 (The Royal Society)

In the run-up to the 2019 General Election, representatives from the main political parties were invited to outline their party’s election position on Science, Research, Technology and Innovation

Broadcast: Debating the 15th anniversary of the Web

With Professor Wendy Hall, on BBC News 24, I debated the significance of the 15th anniversary of the Web BBC 5 O’Clock News, TX 17:35 BST, 04/08/2006 BBC News 24: WWW Anniversary item Themes discussed: how much the success of the Web was anticipated; the importance of ease of use of the Web; the …