RIP Jonathan Miller

RIP Jonathan Miller. What a thinker and doer. I very much appreciated his reflection on the modern anti-religious mood, from 2010 (re-posted below). He’s quoted on BBC Radio 4’s World at One today rejecting the term ‘Renaissance Man’, saying ‘What’s been lost is the taking for granted a world of civilised curiosity’. This quote comes …

Report: General Election Hustings: Science, Research, Technology and Innovation, 19/11/2019 (The Royal Society)

In the run-up to the 2019 General Election, representatives from the main political parties were invited to outline their party’s election position on Science, Research, Technology and Innovation

Broadcast: Debating the 15th anniversary of the Web

With Professor Wendy Hall, on BBC News 24, I debated the significance of the 15th anniversary of the Web BBC 5 O’Clock News, TX 17:35 BST, 04/08/2006 BBC News 24: WWW Anniversary item Themes discussed: how much the success of the Web was anticipated; the importance of ease of use of the Web; the …

Can artificial intelligence be creative?

The challenges to what it means to be human, which we are told arise from the development of artificial intelligence poses are manifold, not least to the idea of being creative. (Although many, not least industry body the Creative Industries Federation argues the creative industries will be one of the last strongholds of the application …