Engineers’ products are often decried

In a recent article in the Guardian Jonathan Glancey decries the decline of Britain’s engineering culture and argues that its industrial future is threatened by a lack of skilled workers and a glut of postmodern apathy. (Extinction of the engineers, Jonathan Glancey, Guardian, October 15, 2007) It is no surprise that, as Glancey observes,“we have …

The RSA and social media

Following the ascendance of Matthew Taylor to Chief Executive of the RSA (Royal Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, Manufacturing and Commerce) there has been a move to engage with new information technologies to facilitate the Society’s activities. The most significant manifestation to date was the RSA Conference The Social Impact of the Web: …

Panel: The Social Impact of the Web, 2017

This Friday [May 25, 2007] I am speaking on a panel at the RSA Conference The Social Impact of the Web: Society, Government and the Internet in London. I will be on the panel with Bronwyn Kunhardt, co-founder of Social Media Consensus and Polecat Ltd, and former Director of Citizenship at Microsoft UK, and M …

Letter: Encouraging civility in online debate

Jonathan Freedland recently addressed the issue of civility in online debate (The blogosphere risks putting off everyone but point-scoring males, Comment, Guardian, April 11, 2007). In his considered reflections on democracy and online debate, Freedland is right to note that “the more democratic encounter is the meeting properly chaired, allowing everyone their say”. Media and …