Welcome to people who were at the #Internet50 LDN event… How can we better understand our societies and socio-technical change, engage citizens, and facilitate progress? Almost 50 years ago, 10:30 pm on 29 October 1969, a team led by Professor Leonard Kleinrock sent a message from a computer at the University of California (UCLA) to a computer at the Stanford Research Institute, 350 miles to the north.
Review of Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet Katie Hafner, Matthew Lyon (Simon & Schuster Inc, 1997) ISBN: 0684832674 Reference on Amazon.co.uk Originally published in WorldLink, the magazine of the World Economic Forum, whose Editor-in-Chief and Managing Director was Lance Knobel .
Review of a key, first-hand sourced book on the early history of the Internet
Professor Wendy Hall and Nico Macdonald interviewed on the 15th anniversary of the Web. Themes discussed: how much the success of the Web was anticipated; importance of ease of use of the Web; the scale of the technological revolution; importance of broadband; the lack of understanding of the value of the Web; importance of writing as well as reading Web sites; and the importance of mobile devices for Web access.
Broadcast: Debating the 15th anniversary of the Web with Professor Dame Wendy Hall
Events on society and technology
50 Years of the Internet event, 29/10/2019 (London)
As the internet enters its next wave and spreads beyond devices into every corner of our lives, we’ll ask how those principles of collaboration, knowledge-sharing and trust can be preserved. Featuring a never-been-seen-before interview with Leonard Kleinrock, we’ll also hear first-hand testimonies from some of the people who were there at the very beginning.
Eventbrite – Plexal presents 50 Years of the Internet – Wednesday, 30 October 2019 at Plexal, Here East, London, England. Find event and ticket information.
Internet50 | UCLA Samueli School Of Engineering celebration event, 29/10/2019 (Los Angeles, CA)
Arpanet pioneers and today’s leading technologists and visionaries will discuss the genesis, current state and future aspirations of our connected world
On Oct. 29, join Leonard Kleinrock, distinguished professor of computer science at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering, 50 years to the day when his team sent the first message over the Arpanet, transforming his mathematical theory of packet switching into what would become the modern internet.